Sunday, November 4, 2012

No power? NOT a problem! Just a minor situation.

We continue to ship your orders, despite the pre-modern conditions, it just means a little extra work on our part. so if you have ordered from us in the past week, no worries, we will still provide you with a tracking number, and perhaps a small delay of 48 hours or so, as we can't print shipping labels here, we have to print them offsite or visit the post office to process manually. yet we are committed! More importantly, we would like to take a moment to be appreciate for all that we do have. Perhaps we don't have heat, perhaps we don't have lights, perhaps we struggle with long gas lines, and shortages in various ways. There are many obstacles that Hurricane Sandy has imposed, yet at here at the bella household, we remain thankful for our family. We are together, cold, frustated, of course, but together. The health and safety of our family, friends, and loved ones, is far more important than anything else. On a side note, I am very much looking forward to a hot shower. Stay warm my friends, Xo Bella